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Thank you for being part of the success of the Honeywell UOP Academy complimentary web-based courses. We hope that you found the courses engaging and informative. There was great interest in Refining Process Fundamentals and Process Safety. These courses are just a few of many courses available from our catalog.
We are offering additional savings of 10% off individual course prices when you register as a five-course bundle offer by December 31, 2023. Availability of some courses is limited to UOP license holders using UOP technology and catalysts. You can register and take the courses over a one-year period when you purchase. Simple registration and payment process are available through our training portal to continue your learning journey with us here at Honeywell UOP.
Click here to purchase bundle.
With more than a century of experience in refining and petrochemicals, UOP brings you world-class training courses and tools designed to empower your team and drive effective, efficient and safe operations.